Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Images in motion

This is just a quick practical that Richard gave us to do. We had to view a person walking in a unique way, and draw it in stick-man format to show how we perceived it.

Original Storyboard and New Edited Storyboard

Thursday, 18 February 2010

Using the reactor plug-in

The video here shows represents a bowling ball hitting the pins. I was able to create the animation by using a plug-in known as Reactor. I firstly created a Rigid Body Collection. This contained all of the models within the scene. Once i did this i was able to use the reactor. Inside the reactor properties section i changed about with the collision tolerance, mass, friction and elasticity of the models. Using trial and error i was able to create an effective animation. In order to make the ball start moving towards the pins, i made a short animation of about 5 frames of the ball moving forwards. Then once this was made i went into the preview and animation area and started the animation from frame 2, this then gives the ball that energy it needs to start moving towards the pins.

Sunday, 7 February 2010

Animation using Cameras

In our most recent lesson we looked into animation using cameras. We built a small city-like model and created a line that the camera would follow along giving the user a walkthrough effect of the area.

First attempt at animation

This is a short video clip of a ball being hit down onto a table and up against a wall and back again. I admit it is far from amazing, but it is a starting point for animation :)
I managed to use the curve editor in order to give the ball a realistic bounce with the aid of gravity.

Image References for Modelling and Animation Ideas







